The Future of Geilsland; Open Day
3 August 2022 @ 11:00 – 15:00
Geilsland Country Estate; your views on the future

Geilsland Country Estate is celebrating the seventh anniversary of it’s community buy out! When the community buy out of Geilsland took place, the aim was clear; for Geilsland to be repositioned as a ‘Gateway to North Ayrshire’. A community asset which would entice visitors and tourists to stop for a moment and linger in Geilsland, Beith, and the wider Garnock Valley. We wanted people to spend their time, energy, and money in our local community to benefit not just them but also our local business owners, local community groups, and our overall community. To promote this, Geilsland has established itself as a local hub for local activities, classes, events, and opportunities for learning and growth. Bringing these opportunities to life has, and will continue, to create an environment which fosters financial, social, and cultural growth for the Garnock Valley.
The North Ayrshire community has continuously supported us across the years, and as such we want to involve you as much as possible as we work on our progress. Now; we’re looking to Geilsland Country Estate’s Future. We want to think a bit further ahead about how Geilsland Estate can support our community to thrive in a future affected by increasing economic inequality, a changing demographic, the effects of climate change and migration.
Therefore, we’re asking for your help. We want to hear your thoughts, your ideas, and your opinions on just what would take Geilsland to the next level in the future. Help us to continue supporting our local community in very uncertain economic, socio-political and environmental times. Join us at Geilsland on Wednesday August 13th or Saturday August 13th from 11am – 3pm to share your thoughts with us and have your voice heard on Geilsland Country Estate’s Future; the gateway to North Ayrshire.
“There is immense power when a group of people with similar interests gets together to work toward the same goals.”
– Idowu Koyenikan